05 December, 2010

How to Make Fast Money Online as a Blogger?

Do you own a Blog? Great job, this means that you are the owner of a valuable asset. A Blog is your Business and your are its CEO. Many Blogs such as TechCrunch and Huffingtonspost are worth literally over $ 50 Million in their valuations.
By Blogging you can make quick money online by these 2 methods:

01) By implementing various income streams on the same blog -
The main advantage of owning a blog is that you can apply multiple income streams on the single blog – such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored reviews, paid reviews, sponsored events, and many many more concepts. However, to make money fast from your blog you have to first make your blog large in size. Then and only then will it attract more web traffic and you will make more money.

02) By Selling your Blog -
This is the fastest way to make money online from you blog. Within just 2-3 years you can make a fortune if you want. Developing a blog from scratch is hard work that requires hours and hours of daily mind work for several months. Not only that, but also a lot of social network build up as well.
Now, many Businesses and companies want to own a Blog in their desired Niche, but they don’t want to put that many hours of hard work into it. So what do they do? They simply acquire an already established blog. Say for Example; take the example of this Blog. This is a Personal Growth to a Wealthy Lifestyle Blog and many people are interested in the value it can bring onto others. And if they acquire this Blog, they can reach a wider audience … as well as increase their brand value.
That being said, if you sell your blog, then you will also lose control over this asset in exchange for a lot of money. Many Bloggers around the world have made fortunes by selling their blogs. The famous Example is, The Blog Bankaholic.com was acquired by The BankRate.com for Whooping $ 15 Million back in 2008.
And the founder of Bankaholic.com is only in his early thirties. He made that fortune within just 3 years of starting his blog.
Do you see the importance of starting early? Check out my Treasure section to get you up and running on the right track.

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